Password Hashing and Cracking


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 30 min
  • What are Password Hashes?

  • How can a Password be cracked using John the Ripper?

  • How are the usernames and passwords being managed in Linux OS?

  • Follow instructions to successfully demonstrate some Password Cacking activities

Password Hashing and Cracking

Password is an important user authentication mechanism. Passwords are stored in the database as hashes rather than plain text.
If users’ passwords are stored in a database as plain text, malicious hackers can get immediate access to them if they break into the system. In this lab, you will understand what password hash is and how password hash be cracked.

Password Hashing

A hash function turns any amount of data into a fixed-length “fingerprint” that cannot be reversed.
The fixed-length “fingerprint” is called a hash value or hash code. The unique feature of hash functions is that any change in input data will result in a completely different hash code. Cryptographic hash functions are used to implement password hashing.There are multiplecryptographic hash functions, such as MD5, SHA-2.

For example, the following are the MD5 hash codes of different strings.
MD5(“hello”) = “5D41402ABC4B2A76B9719D911017C592”
MD5(“hollo”) = “181D1F65FC3EDFC75945B24F22CD7E22”
MD5(“helloo”) = “B373870B9139BBADE83396A49B1AFC9A”

Task1: Exploring Linux Password Hashes

The users’ information and passwords in Linux and UNIX operating system are stored in files. /etc/passwd stores user accounts, and the /etc/shadow stores the information about user accounts and the encrypted password hashes. /etc/shadow has more restrictive permissions than the /etc/passwd file. On most Linux systems, only the root account has the ability to read the contents of the shadow file.

Step 1: View the /etc/passwd file. Open a terminal and type the following command

user@a8d078387d02:~$ cat /etc/passwd  

Each entry is the password information for each user (or user account) of the system. For example:

root: x: 0: 0: root: /root: /bin/bash
Username password User ID Group ID User ID info Home Directory Command/shell


  • Username: it should be between 1 and 32 characters in length.
  • Password: an ‘x’ character indicates that encrypted password is stored in /etc/shadow file.
  • User ID (UID): Each user must be assigned a user ID (UID). UID 0 (zero) is reserved for root and UIDs 1-99 are reserved for other predefined accounts. Further UID 100-999 are reserved by system for administrative and system accounts/groups.
  • Group ID (GID):The primary group ID (stored in /etc/group file)
  • User ID Info: The comment field. It allows you to add extra information about the users such as user’s full name, phone number etc.
  • Home directory: The absolute path to the directory the user will be in when they log in.
  • Command/shell: The absolute path of a command or shell (/bin/bash).

Step 2: View the permission of the passwd file using the command:

user@a8d078387d02:~$ ls -l /etc/passwd
- rw- r– r–
‘-’ indicates a file ‘d’ indicates a directory ‘l’ indicates a link Read, write and execute permissions for the owner of the file Read, write and execute permissions for the members of the group owning the file Read, write and execute permissions for other users
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1196 Jun 9 22:40 /etc/passwd

Step 3: View the /etc/shadow file using the command:

user@a8d078387d02:~$ sudo cat /etc/shadow

Each entry is the hashed password for each user (or user account) of the system. As with the passwd file, each field in the shadow file is also separated with “:” colon characters, and are as follows:



  • Username: a direct match to the username in the /etc/passwd file.
  • Password: encrypted password. A blank entry (eg. ::) indicates a password is not required to log in (usually a bad idea), and a ‘’ entry (eg. ::) indicates the account has been disabled. The “!” symbol (often called a bang) represents that fact the password has not been set. Usually password format is set to $id$salt$hash. The $id is the algorithm used On GNU/Linux as follows: $1$ is MD5, $2a$ is Blowfish,$2y$ is Blowfish, $5$ is SHA-256, $6$ is SHA-512
  • Last change: the number of days (since January 1, 1970) since the password was last changed.
  • Min: the minimum number of days required between password changes. 0 indicates it may be changed at any time.
  • Max: the number of days after which password must be changed. 99999 indicates user can keep his or her password unchanged for many, many years.
  • Warn: the number of days to warn user of an expiring password (7 for a full week)
  • Inactive: the number of days after password expires that account is disabled
  • Expire: the number of days since January 1, 1970 that an account has been disabled
  • A reserved field for possible future use

Step4: Create a new user named alice in the command:

user@a8d078387d02:~$ sudo useradd alice  

Step 5: Create a new user named bob using the command:

user@a8d078387d02:~$ sudo useradd bob

Step 6: Now, view the changes made to the passwd file:

user@a8d078387d02:~$ cat /etc/passwd

Step 7: Set alice’s password to apw123 using the following command:

user@a8d078387d02:~$ sudo passwd alice  
Enter new UNIX password:   
Retype new UNIX password:  

Step 8: Set bob’s password to bpw123 using the command:

user@a8d078387d02:~$ sudo passwd bob  
Enter new UNIX password:   
Retype new UNIX password: 

Step 9: Examine the alterations to the shadow file by typing the following:

user@a8d078387d02:~$ sudo tail /etc/shadow

Cracking Hashes and Rainbow Table

Although the hashing algorithms cannot be reversed, password hashes could be cracked. Hackers can generate hashes from a dictionary of strings that are commonly used as passwords. If hackers gain access to a database of hashed passwords, they can calculate the hash code for each string in the database and match it with the current hash code. If one in the database matches, the plaintext password of that hash is known. This is so-called brute force dictionary attack.

The brute force cracking described above is very time-consuming for calculating the hash code for every string in the database. The opposite way is to pre-calculate all the hash codes for the strings in the database and store the mapping of the hash codes to the strings. Then, hackers just need to look up a hash in the mapping table to find the password. However, this method requires too much space considering the large volume of strings that could be used as passwords. Considering the time-memory tradeoff, “rainbow table” is a better method that takes a place in between. It is a pre- commutated lookup table, but sacrifice hash cracking speed to make the lookup tables smaller.

Task 2: Simple Password Cracking

There are some online cracking tools. For example, CrackStation ( is a online websites for cracking simple password hashes.

Please use the CrackStation to crack the following password hashes:
Hash 1: 6384E2B2184BCBF58ECCF10CA7A6563C
What is the password? What hash algorithm is used?

Hash 2:4E40E8FFE0EE32FA53E139147ED559229A5930F89C2204706FC174BEB36210B3
What is the password? What hash algorithm is used?

Hash 3: 5994F091C5CBC05EE2DF38DA2C54EA5BE663D54E
What is the password? What hash algorithm is used?


Rainbow tables reply on the assumption that each password is hashed in the exact the same way. To defeat rainbow tables, “salt” is invented to randomize the hash for each password. Using salt, when the same password is hashed twice, two different hash codes will be generated. Salt is usually stored together with hash code in the user account file.

Task 3: Using John the Ripper for Password Cracking

John the Ripper is one of the well-known fast password cracking tool that can crack passwords through a dictionary attack or through the use of brute force. It can be downloaded free at

Step 1: Type the following command to attempt to crack the passwords with john:

user@a8d078387d02:~$ sudo john /etc/shadow  
Created directory: /root/.john  
Loaded 3 password hashes with 3 different salts (crypt, generic crypt(3) [?/64])  
Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status  
user             (user)  
1g 0:00:00:17 0% 2/3 0.05675g/s 386.4p/s 441.0c/s 441.0C/s  
Use the "--show" option to display all of the cracked passwords reliably  
Session aborted  

Step 2: Can you crack the following passwords?




mdavis:$5$i3uY6Gfp$ywzsyCNRs7kbKbN7Ad0SnGR7P6bVmMQ8iJ7008mrGHC:156 52:0:99999:7:::

djameson:$6$iimf1wnL$T/0zG89BxF.qKzMyX7BZJCSye5x7wIQxox5dMMwWPdvpz FMOs2YkknqHdMbbdxyBN7NNNBnAh/d7YY2fRRV3k0:15652:0:99999:7:::

Open a terminal and type

user@a8d078387d02:~$ gedit hashfile1.txt  

Check the contents of hashfile1.txt

Step 3: Open a terminal, and use john to crack the passwords

user@a8d078387d02:~$ john hashfile1.txt  
Created directory: /home/user/.john  
Warning: only loading hashes of type "descrypt", but also saw type "md5crypt"  
Use the "--format=md5crypt" option to force loading hashes of that type instead  
Warning: only loading hashes of type "descrypt", but also saw type "crypt"  
Use the "--format=crypt" option to force loading hashes of that type instead  
Loaded 2 password hashes with 2 different salts (descrypt, traditional crypt(3) [DES 128/128 SSE2-16])  
Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status  
qwerty           (awilliams)  
iloveyou         (emiller)  
2g 0:00:00:00 100% 2/3 100.0g/s 132300p/s 138700c/s 138700C/s 123456..marley  
Use the "--show" option to display all of the cracked passwords reliably  
Session completed  

Tip: After running john, you can check out the cracked password at any time using the command:

user@a8d078387d02:~$ john --show hashfile1.txt  
Warning: hash encoding string length 99, type id $6  
appears to be unsupported on this system; will not load such hashes.  
2 password hashes cracked, 2 left  

Step 4: Are there any remaining password to be cracked? You may get the following warnings:


only loading hashes of type “des”, but also saw type “md5”

Use the “–format=md5” option to force loading hashes of that type instead

only loading hashes of type “des”, but also saw type “crypt”

Use the “–format=crypt” option to force loading hashes of that type instead

It suggests us to specify the hash format.
We can use the following commands to specify the format option and run john again:

user@a8d078387d02:~$ john --format=crypt hashfile1.txt   


Since John the Ripper will brute force the passwords, it might take a few minutes until the passwords are being cracked.

You can use the command to check the cracked passwords at this moment:

user@a8d078387d02:~$ john --show hashfile1.txt

What are the passwords cracked?

mdavis:blink182:156 52:0:99999:7:::  
5 password hashes cracked, 0 left  

Post-Task Questions

Question 1 (4 points): What file in Linux store the names of the user accounts? What file stores the users’ password?

Question 2 (3 points): We observed that salts are stored together with hash codes, and are not kept as secrets. Why?

Question 3 (3 points): Is there any risk if the same salt is reused for several hashes on a user?

Key Points

  • Directions.pdf can be opened using Firefox.

  • It is best to copy and paste the hashed passwords in Task 2.

  • hashfile1.txt is created for user’s convenience in the home directory.